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In review : Design Disruptors Brisbane screening

What do you get when you throw together an amazing film, the Brisbane design community and a little beer? You get the Brisbane screening of Design Disruptors and it went down a treat! After hearing the much hyped documentary from InVision had only Melbourne and Sydney screenings, our very own Felix Lee decided to rally […]

RHOK Brisbane 2016: My first hackathon

Over the last weekend of November, I had my first hackathon at the brand new NetEngine office for the 2016 Random Hack of Kindness. I was fortunate enough to lead a team of exceptional coders and problem solvers to work on Mentoring, a project inspired by our client Anna from MDA. Meanwhile, I had a […]


Collaborative projects: Working with our new neighbours

With the ever growing number of tech companies in Brisbane it wasn't surprising when we moved in to our new Cordelia St offices in South Brisbane and our upstairs neighbours, Digital 8, were working within the same industry. While we specialise in software design, Digital8's forte is web design and digital marketing. Recently we teamed […]

The Design Conference Brisbane 2017: Start Small

A couple of weeks ago, I had a chance to be part of The Design Conference Brisbane (#tdcbne17), a two-day event full of talks, ideas and designers from different industries gathering in Brisbane. Among the presenters, I was really intrigued by the experience of Camille Walala, a Commercial Artist from UK. Camille has developed a […]

How Much Does An App Cost To Build

“The cost of hiring someone bad is so much greater than missing out on someone good – Joe Kraus”. Today apps come from every industry: media companies, banks, airlines, recruitment, cafes and restaurants, government agencies, games, and social networks, just to name a few. Everyone has seen headlines of inspiring multi-billion dollar apps from Instagram […]

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State Machine as a Service with aasm gem

When handling state changes or object and logic condition changes, one of the most useful gems is aasm. However, after many years I find that it’s often under-utilised and even misused. It’s really easy to grab the aasm gem and begin implementing the ActiveRecord methodology. This implementation is effective if the state and its dependencies are […]

Technical terminology for the not so technical

It’s 2019 and “Hehe, I’m just technology impaired” is no longer acceptable. Computers, software and technology generally is ever-prevalent and getting up to speed is absolutely achievable. If you’re a product manager, project lead, salesperson or any other tech-adjacent person and you want to get up to speed on some tech lingo, strap in! API stands […]

5 simple ways to create great software

“Constantly seek criticism. A well thought out critique of whatever you’re doing is as valuable as gold.” – Elon Musk Your precious time and money. You know that you’re bright and your software idea is going to help your company grow. You slave over every detail, carefully planning your software that will change your business […]