NetEngine works with Go1, Australia’s newest tech “unicorn”, to develop integrations that enable Go1 to rapidly scale its content marketplace offering. In recent years, Go1 has enjoyed extraordinary success in the online learning space.
Go1 sought out a number of global system integrator partners to work with, selecting NetEngine as one of the first in Australia.
In this webinar, you’ll learn how Go1 unpacked and overcame the challenges of partnering with an external software development agency. Further, you’ll learn how NetEngine adapted to meet the needs of the global tech giant, owning the outcomes through the application of a collaborative and consultative approach. You will also hear how this approach to development allowed both organisations to shine, resulting in a series of sophisticated integrations to support Go1’s growth goals.
Enter your details below to access the webinar and hear Go1’s CIO Thomas Wythe and Senior Technical Project Manager, Ric Fry, speak with NetEngine Project Lead, Mersija Mujic, and Senior Software Development and Team Leader, Eduardo Ramos, about their experience working together towards integration solutions.